A collection of notes and curiosities from Mamma Rosa about the traditional cuisine of Emilia Romagna and its typical products. Anecdotes, curiosities and lots of advice await you to taste the typical dishes and local products of Emilia Romagna at their best. Read Mamma Rosa's notes!
19 articles in the category: Mamma Rosa's Notes
How was ham made in the past?
Published : 12/18/2022 | Categories : Mamma Rosa's NotesDiscover how ham was once made, through the various stages of this traditional process.
The pig and the story of how the breed bred in Emilia Romagna has changed
Published : 12/11/2022 | Categories : Mamma Rosa's NotesHow over time there has been a transition from breeding the local black pig to the large Yorkshire "Large White" breed and what the effects of this change have been.
The importance of salt for the development of Parma charcuterie
Published : 12/04/2022 | Categories : Mamma Rosa's NotesSince ancient Roman times, salt has been fundamental for the development of cured meats in the Parma area. Discover its role and the uniqueness of these lands by reading the article.
How ham was produced in the time of the ancient Romans
Published : 11/26/2022 | Categories : Mamma Rosa's NotesHow did the ancient Romans produce ham? Discover the history of ham production in Cisalpine Gaul by reading the article.
Published : 11/13/2022 | Categories : Mamma Rosa's NotesParmonie is a healthy and innovative snack with Parmigiano Reggiano DOP to make your daily snacks tasty and healthy. Discover also Parmonie with more natural proteins from chickpeas!
The winemaking tradition of the Parma area
Published : 11/06/2022 | Categories : Mamma Rosa's NotesDiscover the winemaking tradition of the Parma hills through the history that links the territory and the Parma wine vocation from the time of the ancient Romans to the present day.
The tools of the dairyman
Published : 10/29/2022 | Categories : Mamma Rosa's NotesDiscover the tools used to produce Parmigiano Reggiano. Curiosities about the production process and the tools used in the production of Parmesan cheese.
How Parmigiano Reggiano is made
Published : 10/22/2022 | Categories : Mamma Rosa's NotesFind out how Parmigiano Reggiano is made today and how its production has changed over the centuries. History of the production of parmesan cheese.