Great organoleptic features and outstanding health value are the characteristic of this extra virgin olive oil, which is simply the top for the lovers of a healthy diet based on genuine ingredients. Obtained by early-harvested olives, this fragrant extra virgin olive oil is well balanced.
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To produce a high quality extra virgin olive oil our producer choose only the most beautiful olives from the hills around Rimini, where there is a suitable mild climate, thanks to the presence of the sea breeze. Ancient local cultivars like Correggiolo and Rossina give to our extra virgin olive oil its unique aroma and taste.
The olive harvest has to be carried out without lacerating the olive peel to avoid fungal attacks. The harvest is carried out by hand or with the help of shaker machines and nets raised off the ground.
The right maturation of the fruit is given by the green-dark colour of the olive peel. After the harvest the olives are quickly pressed (within 12-24 hours) at our high tech oil mill.
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